Nudist for sure!

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Sure, I like to be naked, and is, when I can be and I'm not prude. I neither have problems being surrounded with other people, naked or not. I think it is one's right to be as one want and the nude body isn't obscene nor offensive in its own! Instead being naked higher ones self esteem and sense of freedom. And one see that everyone has their faults and flaws and get to know that's the natural state. I've been a nudist since my teenage years, got member of the Vikbolandet's naturist association year 2000 and it runs a naturist camping which I liked. Bought a caravan that I've standing there. I can recommend naturist camping to try out the nude life in a safe place.

I find it important to promote nudism and its ideas to get more acceptance in the society that it is normal to be naked and not wrong. I will be a link to nudism by this site and twitter. I have been in radio, lokal newspaper and even TV. I will continue to take the possibillities I get to promote natural, open, nudity.

Why nudist?

Simplest answer, cause it's agreeable and give me a sense of freedom. Not to care to get dressed correctly in the morning and only be as I am, in front of me and others! Call myself nudist, and not naturist, cause I don't stand for the political and naturalistic living attached to naturism philosophy.
For my part it began with going to nude beaches when finding it more nice to be nude when swimming and tanning. Found out that the bath-shorts was really ridiculous and unnecessary! Nowadays I feel uncomfortable to go to ordinary beaches. After a while I started to be naked when home when it was warm and it felt really nice. It can go long time from the day start to I get dressed and many days I don't get dressed at all. I'm not so anxious that my neighbors see me naked and I think they already seen me.
In the nineties I did some traveling to the south of France and the first time I did accidentally camp in a naturist camping. I did really like it and stayed there for two weeks. I fell for the relaxing atmosphere and I could be naked 24/7. People felt more open and friendly and easy to talked to than in "ordinary" camping. Year 2000 I visited the VNF-camping on Vikbolandet, Sweden, and i received a warm welcome and I decided to be member in the association and I still is.

As new, in a nudist environment, it can feel strange to be naked in front of other people at first but it pass after a while. The other are nude as well and it's not a big thing for real. And, as for me, it will be no big deal being naked and one stops thinking about it.

Hope you want to try nudism and find the freedom and overcome the fear of being seen naked. It's not a big deal!
Do you have questions or reflections regarding nudism and want to know more, feel free to contact me.


Below are some links to get to know more about nudism:

Vikbolandet's naturistcamping
